142 research outputs found

    The Plasma Puddle as a Perturbative Black Hole

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    We argue that the weak coupling regime of a large N gauge theory in the Higgs phase contains black hole-like objects. These so-called ``plasma puddles'' are meta-stable lumps of hot plasma lying in locally un-Higgsed regions of space. They decay via O(1/N) thermal radiation and, perhaps surprisingly, absorb all incident matter. We show that an incident particle of energy E striking the plasma puddle will shower into an enormous number of decay products whose multiplicity grows linearly with E, and whose average energy is independent of E. Once these ultra-soft particles reach the interior they are thermalized by the plasma within, and so the object appears ``black.'' We determine some gross properties like the size and temperature of the the plasma puddle in terms of fundamental parameters in the gauge theory. Interestingly, demanding that the plasma puddle emit thermal Hawking radiation implies that the object is black (i.e. absorbs all incident particles), which implies classical stability, which implies satisfaction of the Bekenstein entropy bound. Because of the AdS/CFT duality and the many similarities between plasma puddles and black holes, we conjecture that black objects are a robust feature of quantum gravity.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, V2: minor changes, ref added, appendix A.5 moved to body of pape

    Charged Randall-Sundrum black holes and N=4 super Yang-Mills in AdS(2)xS(2)

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    We obtain some exact results for black holes in the Randall-Sundrum model with a single brane. We consider an extreme black hole charged with respect to a Maxwell field on the brane. The near-horizon geometry is determined. The induced metric on the brane and the black hole entropy are compared with the predictions of 4d General Relativity. There is good agreement for large black holes, with calculable subleading corrections. As a separate application, the bulk solution provides a gravitational dual for (strongly coupled, large N) N=4 SYM in AdS(2)xS(2) for arbitrary relative size of AdS(2) and S(2).Comment: 13 page

    Non-linear corrections to inflationary power spectrum

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    We study non-linear contributions to the power spectrum of the curvature perturbation on super-horizon scales, produced during slow-roll inflation driven by a canonical single scalar field. We find that on large scales the linear power spectrum completely dominates and leading non-linear corrections remain totally negligible, indicating that we can safely rely on linear perturbation theory to study inflationary power spectrum. We also briefly comment on the infrared and ultraviolet behaviour of the non-linear corrections.Comment: (v1) 14 pages, 2 figures; (v2) references added and discussions expanded, including a new version of Figure 2, to appear in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physic

    Semiclassical relations and IR effects in de Sitter and slow-roll space-times

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    We calculate IR divergent graviton one-loop corrections to scalar correlators in de Sitter space, and show that the leading IR contribution may be reproduced via simple semiclassical consistency relations. One can likewise use such semiclassical relations to calculate leading IR corrections to correlators in slow-roll inflation. The regulated corrections shift the tensor/scalar ratio and consistency relation of single field inflation, and non-gaussianity parameters averaged over very large distances. For inflation of sufficient duration, for example arising from a chaotic inflationary scenario, these corrections become of order unity. First-order corrections of this size indicate a breakdown of the perturbative expansion, and suggest the need for a non-perturbative description of the corresponding regime. This is analogous to a situation argued to arise in black hole evolution, and to interfere with a sharp perturbative calculation of "missing information" in Hawking radiation.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures; v2: running of spectral index included and other minor changes; v3: minor changes to agree with published versio

    D-branes in 2d Lorentzian black hole

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    We study D-branes in the Lorentzian signature 2D black hole string theory. We use the technique of gauged WZW models to construct the associated boundary conformal field theories. The main focus of this work is to discuss the (semi-classical) world-volume geometries of the D-branes. We also discuss comparison of our work with results in related gauged WZW models.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, uses JHEP3.cl

    Origami World

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    We paste together patches of AdS6AdS_6 to find solutions which describe two 4-branes intersecting on a 3-brane with non-zero tension. We construct explicitly brane arrays with Minkowski, de Sitter and Anti-de Sitter geometries intrinsic to the 3-brane, and describe how to generalize these solutions to the case of AdS4+nAdS_{4+n}, n>2n>2, where nn n+2n+2-branes intersect on a 3-brane. The Minkowski and de Sitter solutions localize gravity to the intersection, leading to 4D Newtonian gravity at large distances. We show this explicitly in the case of Minkowski origami by finding the zero-mode graviton, and computing the couplings of the bulk gravitons to the matter on the intersection. In de Sitter case, this follows from the finiteness of the bulk volume. The effective 4D Planck scale depends on the square of the fundamental 6D Planck scale, the AdS6AdS_6 radius and the angles between the 4-branes and the radial AdSAdS direction, and for the Minkowski origami it is M42=2/3(tanα1+tanα2)M4L2M_4{}^2 = {2/3} \Bigl(\tan \alpha_1 + \tan \alpha_2 \Bigr) M_*{}^4 L^2. If Mfew×TeVM_* \sim {\rm few} \times TeV this may account for the Planck-electroweak hierarchy even if L104mL \sim 10^{-4} {\rm m}, with a possibility for sub-millimeter corrections to the Newton's law. We comment on the early universe cosmology of such models.Comment: plain LaTeX, 23 pages + 2 .eps figure

    Dominance of gauge artifact in the consistency relation for the primordial bispectrum

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    The conventional cosmological perturbation theory has been performed under the assumption that we know the whole spatial region of the universe with infinite volume. This is, however, not the case in the actual observations because observable portion of the universe is limited. To give a theoretical prediction to the observable fluctuations, gauge-invariant observables should be composed of the information in our local observable universe with finite volume. From this point of view, we reexamine the primordial non-Gaussianity in single field models, focusing on the bispectrum in the squeezed limit. A conventional prediction states that the bispectrum in this limit is related to the power spectrum through the so-called consistency relation. However, it turns out that, if we adopt a genuine gauge invariant variable which is naturally composed purely of the information in our local universe, the leading term for the bispectrum in the squeezed limit predicted by the consistency relation vanishes.Comment: 12 pages; v2: accepted version in JCA